BAAM Liveblog 2

The Kennedy lab is interested in identifying longevity/aging genes that are conserved in yeast and worm, and then testing these in the mouse.

In both yeast and worm, deletion/knockdown of many ribosomal proteins (RPs) can extend lifespan. In yeast, most if not all of the RPs with a role in lifespan are components of the large subunit (60S). In worm, knockdowns of both small and large subunit components can increase lifespan. Three of the genes conserved between worm and yeast can be knocked down in mice.

BAAM Liveblog 1

Each session will have its own article; this entry will serve as a central hub for all related entries – the links below will go live as soon as the sessions start.

The organizers have encouraged me to blog the talks, as I did last year. More importantly, we’re hoping that the conference attendees (and others following along elsewhere in the world) will chime in via the internet.